How Utility|Pay for the condo works.

Condominio - Rilevazione consumi

Consumption measurement

We record and communicate the general consumption of the condominium to the
water manager.
Just use the appropriate function of the App.

Condominio - Contabilità consumi

Consumption accounting

We record and verify the
water manager's invoices, ensuring their accounting reconciliation with the bills issued.

Condominio - Incasso e pagamento

Receipt and payment

We collect the amounts related
to the bills from consumers and provide for the balance of the condominium water supply.


The advantages for the condominium.

A conscious and responsible consumption of water
it's a small daily gesture that each of us can do
to achieve a great common goal.

Save the Water
Save the Earth
Save the Life

Utility|Pay uses 5% of its revenues every year
to support research projects on the protection of the planet's water resources.

Learn how to start using Utility|Pay.

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